Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oh ya!

And i would like to write this wonderful post.

Thank you all my frens who supported me on this lonely road~
(Wth you CRAPPING. Wat lonely road you walk lo.)

Kk nvm.
Thank you all you guys who friend me,
Thank you all you guys who talk to me,
Thank you all you guys who added me on msn me,
Thank you all you guys who teach me my maths me,
Thank you all you guys who siao with me,
Thank you all you guys who teach me not my maths but any other things me,
Thank you all you guys who tolerate me,
Thank you all who have to go shopping with me
Thank you all you guys who lend me pen me,
Thank you all you guys who lend me pencil me,
Thank you all you guys who lend me eraser me,
Thank you all you guys who lend me pencil lead me,
Thank you all you guys who lend me stapler me,
Thank you all you guys who lend me hairclip me,
Thank you all you guys who lend me rubberband me,
Thank you all you guys who lend me watever stationary me,
-if i dont say that this will continue forever leh-

=o= Nvm. Thank you


Sorry to you all who have teach with me
Sorry to you all who have tolerate with me
Sorry to you all who have go shopping with me
Sorry to you all who -enters your own words la idiot- with me

My email : White_prayer@hotmail.com

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